

Dritter DiversityCollection Workshop am IT Zentrum der SNSB #

Organisatorisches #


BGBM A. Müller, F. Specht, E. Zippel Testcoll, Blettaucoll, BIOTAlichencoll, BSMafrplantscoll, BSMeryscoll, BSMlichfungicoll, BSMmyxmaincoll, BSMschnittler, FungalDNAbankcoll, SAPMmammaliacoll
SAPM B. Möllenkamp, H. ObermaierTestcoll, SAPMmammaliacoll
UR O. DürhammerTestcoll, BSMbavrefcoll, Blettaucoll, BIOTAlichencoll, BSMafrplantscoll, BSMeryscoll, BSMlichfungicoll, BSMmyxmaincoll, BSMschnittler, FungalDNAbankcoll, SAPMmammaliacoll

Infos zu DiversityCollection online#

Botanische Staatssammlung München
The Erysiphales Collection
The Lichenicolous Fungi Collection
The Myxomycetes Collections
Water Colours of Fungi by Fritz Wohlfarth
Water Colours of Fungi by Konrad Schieferdecker
GBIF-D Mycology
The Fungal Collection at GLM
Epiphytic Lichens of G. Lettau at B
The Erysiphales Collection at HAL
BIOTA Africa
BIOTA Southern Africa – The Collection of Lichens – interne Version