

Zweiter DiversityCollection Workshop am IT Zentrum der SNSB #

Organisatorisches #


BSM/UR W. Ahlmer, C. Bräuchler, H.-J. Esser, S. Kattari, P. Montesdeoca, F. SchuhwerkBSMafrplantscoll, SchuhwerkColl, EsserColl
BSM/POLL/UBTD. Falkenberg, V. John, A. Kehl, I. SebekBSMeryscoll, BSMgrossebrcoll, BSMlichfungicoll, BSMmicrofexscoll, BSMmyxmaincoll, BSMschnittler

Infos zu DiversityCollection online#

Botanische Staatssammlung München
The Erysiphales Collection
The Lichenicolous Fungi Collection
The Myxomycetes Collections
Water Colours of Fungi by Fritz Wohlfarth
Water Colours of Fungi by Konrad Schieferdecker
GBIF-D Mycology
The Fungal Collection at GLM
Epiphytic Lichens of G. Lettau at B
The Erysiphales Collection at HAL
BIOTA Africa
BIOTA Southern Africa – The Collection of Lichens – interne Version